Friday Favorites
Stephanie Germana details her favorite items in this Friday’s Discovery Auction.
This should not be surprising to anyone, but… I love stuff. So the question I have to ask myself is: How on earth was I only choosing five items from each Discovery Sale to highlight?
I received so many kind words about my New Year’s update and the fact that we’ve decided to offer smaller, weekly Discovery Auctions instead of every other week. We’re really excited about how the change has improved our processes, and love how the smaller sales have a more curated look. But somehow, even though they are half the size, I am now finding MORE items to love each week!
Here are my favorite items from this Friday’s Discovery Auction, along with a little collage of inspiration that I found this week while browsing. I hope it helps you gather a little inspiration of your own, or prompts you to start creating collages to help with your home decor planning. (I love browsing Pinterest for ideas and then checking for similar items on the app!)
Comment below with your favorite items in the sale, or what mood you think I should focus on next!